Young Adult Workshop

Learning & Leadership Training for Young Adults


Learning & Leadership Training for Young Adults (a Workshop)


Dr. Nasser Aziz


May 26th, 2024


2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Room #:

27, 28

The Program:

This program focuses on the process of building beautiful minds by design.


4 days
The content and duration of the above program can be customized

Who should attend:

Senior School and College Students

Program Description

Learning & Leadership training workshop is a capacity building program for young adults. It is designed to help students identify and develop their core strengths leading towards effective leadership in family, community, academic and professional life.

Building beautiful minds is the first module of this program. The second module focuses on understanding the learning & improvement process. Most students learn & improve by default. However, successful students learn and improve by design. This enables ordinary student to produce extraordinary results.  This 2+2 day workshop focuses on: Building beautiful minds. 

  • Excellence 

  • Trust 

  • Resilience

  • The learning and improvement system.

  • Building a personal vision and setting short, intermediate and long terms goals.  

  • Using more of your brain and mind. 

  • Understanding and developing thinking skills {Negative, positive, constructive, destructive and visual thinking} 

  • Learning Cycle for increasing knowledge.  

  • Developing focus and concentration.  

  • Improving Comprehension and Memory 

  • Improving understanding by using mind maps.  

  • Improvement Cycle for improving skills and processes.  

  • Developing Communication Skills 

  • Developing High Quality time 

  • Organization and Planning for better results 

  • Emotional Intelligence 

  • Problem solving and decision making 

  • Developing physical, mental and spiritual Leadership

Speaker Biography

Dr. Nasser Aziz

Nasser obtained his master’s degree in management from Yale University. He has taught as a faculty member at Lahore University of Management Sciences and currently is part of their adjunct faculty.

He specializes in designing and facilitating customized training programs for organizations like LUMS NUST, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES/FAST), COMSAT, Pakistan Administrative Staff College(National School of Public Policy), National Institute of Public Administration, Pakistan Air Force, Joint Services Staff College, Navy War College, Kapco, Engro, Nestle, Unilever, Abbott, Glaxo Smith Kline & Beecham, Helix pharmaceutical, ICI, Bristol Meyers and Squibb, Techlogix Pakistan, Shell, Indus Motors, Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Ltd., Jazz, FMC Pakistan, Pakistan cricket team and National Cricket Academy.

Building Beautiful Minds is being facilitated as part of management development and leadership programs at LUMS. It is also being taught to the MBA students at LUMS as part of the summer immersion program.

More then 200 workshops on Building Beautiful Minds have been facilitated in more than sixteen states in USA including: Texas, Florida, California, Arizona, New England, Georgia, New York, Michigan, Indiana, Louisiana and Illinois.

Categories: Intellect Empowerment